건국대 골프장·잔디교육(신입생모집)

Excellent Program of Golf Course and Turfgrass Science at Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea.

골프장잔디박사골프코치 2012. 9. 24. 13:36




Come and Experience !!

Excellent Program of Golf Course and Turfgrass Science

at Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea.


Do you want to know where you can learn on science of golf course and sports fields? Try to contact on Golf Course Academy(www.kkugk.com) at Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea.


We have four programs on golf course and turfgrass science such as Green Keeper, Head Green Keeper, Caddy Master, Chief Executive Officer of Golf Course.They are one year courses. In addition, major of Golf Course and Turfgrassis master program which is 5 semester.


Green Keeper courserecommends that you learn on maintenance of turfgrass and landscape for sports fields(http://cafe.daum.net/kugk).

Head Green Keeper coursesuggests that you know the highest level of managing a golf course(http://cafe.daum.net/kuhgk).

Caddy Master courseis suitable for the management of golf paly ability and golfer(http://cafe.daum.net/kugcm).

Chief Executive Officer of Golf Course courseis good for learning of maintenance and management of golf course(http://cafe.daum.net/kugca).

Major of Golf Course and Turfgrass coursecan learn the management of golf course for master and Ph. D degree(http://cafe.daum.net/kugta).


One thousand students graduated from the Golf Course Academy since 2006. They passionately work at most of the golf course and sports fields in Korea and Southeast Asia. We try to develop the best curriculum of golf course depending on student’s needs day by day. We also invited 60 professors who are Ph.D for handing over an expert theory and knowhow of golf course and sports fields. You can hear and see our outstanding communication and corporation with students and professors. We make every effort to your progress.


We look forward for you participation in our special program of golf course and turfgrass at Konkuk University. We will always support you and your future.


For any question please contact:


Address : # 311 Admission Building

1 Hwayang dong, Kwangjin-gu, Konkuk University,

Seoul 143-701, Korea

Telephone : 82-2-453-3786

Cellular phone: 82-10-9178-3654

Website : www.kkugk.com


Golf Course Academy of Konkuk University


Head Professor Jae-Pil Lee