캐디마스터∙경기팀장(과정 소개)

Golf Playing Manager&Caddy Master Program, Konkok Univ. Specialized Training for Unenrolled Golf course

골프장잔디박사골프코치 2016. 11. 15. 10:58
Konkok Univ. Specialized Training for Unenrolled Golf course
Golf Playing Manager&Caddy Master Program
Recruiting freshmen for the first semester in 2017
Admission enrollment : December 1st 2016~January 16th 2017

▣ Training Exceptional Skills Objectives
• Cultivate Performance Management Team Leader and Caddy Master who are superior in golf knowledge and performance management skills.
• Cultivate Head Pro who possess knowhow of performance management and course management in golf course.
• Lobby Manager who possess golf knowledge, performance management and service skills.
• Cultivate Pro Caddy being able to practically teach golf psychology, performances and course conditions.
▣ Education Contents and Schedule
• Education Contents
- Manage/educate Caddy + Caddy Master + performance management knowhow
- Field Trip : Assigned golf course or recommended golf course(only signed up students)
- Benchmarking : Field trip to course management system of high rank golf course
- Presentation and Forum : Prepare material for a presentation, enhance presentation skills
- Planning and writing document papers : official document such as approval request, estimate and report
• Education Terms (1 year course, 2 semesters, Possible to take over the course again)
- 1st semester : Mar – Jul (18weeks training education+field trips)
- 2nd semester : Sep – Dec (18weeks improving training education skills+field trips)
• Education Hours
- Every Monday from 4pm to 7pm(3 hours)
• Education Location
- Konkuk University, Cooperated industry building, (Kunkuk Univ. station gate 2 by subway(Line 2)
▣ Methods and Schedules to Recruit Freshmen(Performance Team Leader ․ Caddy Master 13)
• Qualified Candidate
- Irrelevant to major and academic ability
• Recruiting Schedules
- Application for enrollment: 1st December 2016~ 1st January 2017.
• Required Documents
- A copy of application enrollment, a copy of career certificate or certificate of insurance.
• Issue and Register for the enrollment of application
- Download the document from Konkuk Univ. golf academy website (www.kkugk.com) → make the application → send to mail
▣ Aquisition after Graduation
• Grant Konkuk Univ. Performance Management Team Leader∙Caddy Master Diploma(Named after President Konkuk Univ.)
• Possible to achieve 'Konkuk Univ. Performance administrating Manager Certificate (Only people who enrolled/accepted by certificate in Korea job ability development)
▣ Contacts
• Tel : 02-453-3786 / 010-6863-6555 • Mail Address : jandishin@naver.com
• Website : http://kkugk.com ※ You should get your visa on your own.
You will become recognized expert by improving administrating golf performance + Caddy Education and management skills + golf course management skills.
Program of Golf Playing Manager & Caddy Master Head of Department